SAP Sales & Service Cloud Demo Videos

Collection of SAP Sales & Service Cloud Demo Videos

SAP Sales & service cloud Explained notion edge


Learn about the financial benefits of SAP Sales Cloud and SAP Service Cloud according to the new Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact Study commissioned by SAP.

Ms Outlook integration:

SAP Sales cloud outlook integration notion edge

SAP Sales Cloud offers a simple-to-use Outlook Add-In that shows your leads, accounts, opportunities and activities, all in one single overview, so there is no need to switch between applications to access sales data.

Remote selling using MS team integration

SAP Sales cloud remote selling Notion Edge


Remote selling has become the new reality for many organizations around the globe. Watch this demo video to learn how SAP and Microsoft are teaming up to simplify remote sales processes and enhance workplace productivity.

SAP Sales Cloud dynamic visit planning

SAP Sales cloud Dynamic Visit Planning Notion Edge


Find out how to optimize visit logistics and maximize field productivity.

SAP Sales Cloud: Intelligent Pipeline Management

Find out how to get complete visibility of your entire pipeline, how to accurately measure deal health with the DataHug deal score, identify and address at-risk deals, and create an action plan when engagement dips.

SAP Sales Cloud Intelligent Forecast Tracker

SAP Sales cloud Intelligent Forecast tracker Notion Edge

The Forecaster Tracker will help you to anticipate and eliminate deal slippage so that you can forecast more accurately.


Relationship Intelligence


This video showcases the relationship intelligence features that give you relevant insights to close deals, leveraging the best relationships you have with the customer.

 For a particular customer, see the interactions, contacts, recent emails wtc all in one place. It gives you an idea of the top influencers for this customer. All these insights are shown without you having to enter any additional data.



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