Case Studies

“Our contact has always been easy, they’re very responsive and positive while working together. Even if technical issues were experienced, the knowledge and experience of Notion Edge helped us to create quite an effective tool for our technicians”

– Luc Simon, Head of Maintenance Energy Division at TranzCom

“Notion Edge has a great subject matter expertise and have the ability to step back and project into the future – look further and beyond current challenges. They are always proactive and responsive to our needs”

– Christophe Voisin, Sales development manager at JDE

vinci energies case studies

How does VINCI Energies reduce costs and save time

with the SAP Field Service Management solution

After a recent deployment of SAP S/4HANA, VINCI Energies Information System decided to invest in a group solution – SAP FSM. Find out more in the case study.

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Luneau Tech case studies

How SAP Field Service Management helps Luneau Technology Group to save time, boost productivity and prevent new issues

Luneau Technology decided to employ the Notion Edge FSM packaged solution over several other competitors including ClickSoftware and Salesforce. Find out more in the case study.

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Our Customers